A class for wrapping media objects for upload to Langfuse.

This class handles the preparation and formatting of media content for Langfuse, supporting both base64 data URIs and raw content bytes.


  • Parameters

    • params: {
          base64DataUri?: string;
          contentBytes?: Buffer;
              | "image/png"
              | "image/jpeg"
              | "image/jpg"
              | "image/webp"
              | "image/gif"
              | "image/svg+xml"
              | "image/tiff"
              | "image/bmp"
              | "audio/mpeg"
              | "audio/mp3"
              | "audio/wav"
              | "audio/ogg"
              | "audio/oga"
              | "audio/aac"
              | "audio/mp4"
              | "audio/flac"
              | "video/mp4"
              | "video/webm"
              | "text/plain"
              | "text/html"
              | "text/css"
              | "text/csv"
              | "application/pdf"
              | "application/msword"
              | "application/vnd.ms-excel"
              | "application/zip"
              | "application/json"
              | "application/xml"
              | "application/octet-stream";
          filePath?: string;
          obj?: object;
      • Optionalbase64DataUri?: string
      • OptionalcontentBytes?: Buffer
      • OptionalcontentType?:
            | "image/png"
            | "image/jpeg"
            | "image/jpg"
            | "image/webp"
            | "image/gif"
            | "image/svg+xml"
            | "image/tiff"
            | "image/bmp"
            | "audio/mpeg"
            | "audio/mp3"
            | "audio/wav"
            | "audio/ogg"
            | "audio/oga"
            | "audio/aac"
            | "audio/mp4"
            | "audio/flac"
            | "video/mp4"
            | "video/webm"
            | "text/plain"
            | "text/html"
            | "text/css"
            | "text/csv"
            | "application/pdf"
            | "application/msword"
            | "application/vnd.ms-excel"
            | "application/zip"
            | "application/json"
            | "application/xml"
            | "application/octet-stream"
      • OptionalfilePath?: string
      • Optionalobj?: object

    Returns LangfuseMedia


_contentBytes?: Buffer
    | "image/png"
    | "image/jpeg"
    | "image/jpg"
    | "image/webp"
    | "image/gif"
    | "image/svg+xml"
    | "image/tiff"
    | "image/bmp"
    | "audio/mpeg"
    | "audio/mp3"
    | "audio/wav"
    | "audio/ogg"
    | "audio/oga"
    | "audio/aac"
    | "audio/mp4"
    | "audio/flac"
    | "video/mp4"
    | "video/webm"
    | "text/plain"
    | "text/html"
    | "text/css"
    | "text/csv"
    | "application/pdf"
    | "application/msword"
    | "application/vnd.ms-excel"
    | "application/zip"
    | "application/json"
    | "application/xml"
    | "application/octet-stream"
_mediaId?: string
_source?: string
obj?: object


  • get contentLength(): undefined | number
  • Returns undefined | number

  • get contentSha256Hash(): undefined | string
  • Returns undefined | string


  • Returns undefined | string

  • Parses a media reference string into a ParsedMediaReference.

    Example reference string: "@@@langfuseMedia:type=image/jpeg|id=some-uuid|source=base64DataUri@@@"


    • referenceString: string

      The reference string to parse.

    Returns ParsedMediaReference

    An object with the mediaId, source, and contentType.

    Error if the reference string is invalid or missing required fields.

  • Replaces the media reference strings in an object with base64 data URIs for the media content.

    This method recursively traverses an object (up to a maximum depth of 10) looking for media reference strings in the format "@@@langfuseMedia:...@@@". When found, it fetches the actual media content using the provided Langfuse client and replaces the reference string with a base64 data URI.

    If fetching media content fails for a reference string, a warning is logged and the reference string is left unchanged.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    Returns Promise<T>

    A deep copy of the input object with all media references replaced with base64 data URIs where possible

    const obj = {
    image: "@@@langfuseMedia:type=image/jpeg|id=123|source=bytes@@@",
    nested: {
    pdf: "@@@langfuseMedia:type=application/pdf|id=456|source=bytes@@@"

    const result = await LangfuseMedia.resolveMediaReferences({

    // Result:
    // {
    // image: "...",
    // nested: {
    // pdf: "data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjcK..."
    // }
    // }